Monday, January 23, 2012


After much prodding from family and friends I've decided to throw caution to the wind and actually create a business out of my love for creating diaper cakes! Here are some designs I've made over the years, but am just starting to get "serious" about it all now! I have some available for sale, and will constantly be working on others. I'm excited to try my hand at 4 and 5 tiered cakes! I ship out of state and my prices are very competitive. Cakes start at $40 and make a fun and thoughtful baby shower gift!
Thanks for looking,
For sale: red/white/black $65 - Aqua $40 - Pink $50
Prettily Pink! This sweet cake has 65+ diapers (size 1 Luv's), 3 butterfly and 1 flower clip plus a small bottle filled with candy! $55
This sassy cake boasts 85+ diapers (size 1 Luvs) and 8 flower clips! $65
Everything Aqua! This sweet cake is great for a boy or a girl and has over 75 diapers! A steal at $40! SOLD!

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